Consulting Group of Jocassee Inc.

CGJ is a team of highly experienced engineers, business managers and consultants that are passionate about uncovering value for our clients. 



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Energy and Efficiency Audits

Energy costs have been rising wildly.  There is every reason to believe that they may increase again given the uncertainty of our global economy.  Because energy is a very large production cost, sometimes the most expensive, as a manager you need to ensure that your operation is effectively minimizing energy requirements. 

  • Our approach is to do a total energy audit of your situation. This includes all facets of energy use such as the engineering of the equipment, procedures, and energy negotiations with the energy suppliers. In fact, in the automotive industry we have saved millions of dollars for Ford Motor Company in the energy use area.

    We have an expert in energy audits who has done this type of work for over the past 20 years. He has performed energy audits at MIT, Cambridge, MA and at The University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA


    Our German Energy Audit Consultant is a degreed Mechanical Engineer and can bring all the options to the table. Energy use is his specialty. We can work the fuel selection, fuel procurement negotiations, and process and equipment selection issues.

    Energy Audit Projects that our Team Members have worked:

    Torrington Bearings Plant, Silvania, GA & Honea Path, SC -  Energy Audit / Study

    Fiber Industries, Lexington, NC - Energy Study for Utility Systems

    Sanders Associates, Nashua, NH - Energy Audit / Study

    Kimberly Clark, Coosa Pine, AL - Energy Audit - Paper Mill

    Ford Motor Company, Cologne, Germany & Genk, Belgium  - Energy Study

    Ford Motor Company, Atlanta, GA & Dearborn, MI  - Energy Study

    MIT, Cambridge, MA  - Energy Audit, Heating System Retrofit

    University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA - Energy Audit

    Bourroughs Welcome, Greenville, NC - Energy Audit

    First National Bank of Boston, Boston, MA - Energy Audit

    United Virginia Bank, Norfolk & Alexandria, VA -  Energy Audit / Study

    State Street Bank Computer Center, Boston, MA  - Energy Audit / Study

    BMW and Mercedes in
    Germany - Energy Audits


  • Below are examples of energy audits that we have performed in the past.

    The Torrington Company

    Conducted a detailed energy analysis for this bearing manufacturer in
    Sylvania, Georgia. The plant also had operating problems with ventilation and process cooling system. Process cooling water modification and optimization reduced the energy usage and at the same time improved the operation of the process cooling water system. Other energy conservation measures included the optimization and modifications of the cooling & chilled water pumps and the modification/upgrade of the ventilation system.

    Ford Motor, Cologne Germany

    Conducted a plant-wide survey of this 13 million-square-foot Cologne, Germany Estate that manufactures Ford Fiesta, Scorpio, and Puma automobiles, Ford Motor also manufactures transmissions, drive shafts, transaxle cases, motors, stamping dies, fixtures, jigs, and forging& die cast parts at the site. Detailed energy survey was conducted for Body & Assembly Plant, Engine Plant, Transmission Plant, Tool & Die Plant, Pilot Plant,
    Apprentice School, Central Workshop & Central Services, Merkenich Parts Depot and Merkenich-PDG. The following potential energy savings opportunities were identified,
    Lighting systems modification & optimization, compressed air systems optimization, optimization of heating & ventilation systems, optimization of cooling tower make-up water systems, optimizations of washers, high water temperature system optimization, optimization of cooling water systems, modification of chilled water for coolant systems, modification of cooling system for welding machines, and optimization of energy management system (EMS).

    First National Bank of Boston

    Conducted a detailed energy analysis for this 1.4 million-square-foot, 36 story Bank/Office Building in Boston, Massachusetts. Energy study/audit was divided in the following sub-systems:
    · Lighting
    · Ventilation and air-distribution
    · Air handling units
    · Steam distribution
    · Transportation
    · Electric power distribution
    · Domestic hot & cold water
    · Chilled & condenser water
    · Hot water heating

    Comprehensive field measurements were performed to verify and document the potential energy savings. Achieved 60% steam energy reduction.

    Ford Motor Research & Engineering Center-Dearborn, Michigan

    Conducted energy study for Ford Motor Research & Engineering Center in Dearborn, Michigan. The Research & Engineering Center consists of about 40 buildings (Laboratories, test centers, research facilities, engineering buildings and power plant) with a total building floor area of approximately of 8 million-square-foot. The work force for this R&E Center is approximately 15,000 people.
    The following potential energy savings opportunities were identified during the energy study:

    · Lighting systems optimization
    · Energy management systems
    · Compressed air systems optimization
    · Power plant optimization
    · Absorption chillers optimization
    · City water cost reduction
    · Tower free cooling

    Ford Motors, Atlanta Assembly Plant

    Completed a comprehensive inventory of all energy-consuming equipment at the Atlanta Assembly Plant, which produces Ford Taurus and Mercury Sable cars. The inventory of the 2.4 million-square-foot facility allocated energy consumption by utility source, by end use and by building area/department. The resulting inventory report was used to determine opportunities for energy savings and prioritize potential capital improvement projects. The following energy conservation measures were identified compressed-air system optimization, lighting optimization, lighting retrofit, reduce tower make-up water, building heating system optimization, cooling water pumping optimization and facility ventilation optimization.
  • We can determine your present energy situation and status.  What you are using, How much you are using, When you are using and associated risks will all be studied.  This will help prevent unpleasant surprises when a primary energy supplier spikes costs and you do not have a back up plan in place. 


  • We can then put together a plan for cost reduction opportunities that exist.  This is based on cost/payback analysis as well as risk analysis. 


  • We can help implement our agreed on improvement plan derived from our recommendations.  We have experience with both domestic and international plants.  We can help you wherever your energy consumption occurs to increase efficiency, minimize costs and reduce risk

Below are examples of energy audits and cost savings that we have performed in the past.

Project Location Type Facility Savings

First National Boston Bank Building $360,000
Bank of Boston

Ford Motor Cologne, Auto Mfg & $3,675,000
Germany R&D facilities

Ford Motor Atlanta Auto Mfg $483,000

Ford Motor Dearborn Auto R&D $1,364,000

The Torrington Sylvania, Ga Bearing Mfg $78,500

Six Flags New Agawam, Ma Hospitality $437,000 (over 3 yrs)

SJWD Lyman, SC Water Utility $100,000 (49% of electric)

  • Georgia Marble, Tate, Ga $175,000 electric reduction; 50k energy savings in other areas.





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