Consulting Group of Jocassee Inc.

CGJ is a team of highly experienced engineers, business managers and consultants that are passionate about uncovering value for our clients. 



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Case Studies & Success Stories



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Change is required for progress.  Change can also be very painful if not done correctly.  We bring vast experience to the table to help minimize pain and interruption of change.

  • Plant Layout - Growth of the manufacturing floor is often painful.  Most plants grow in a band-aid fashion and wake up one day because they are stifled by inefficient material movement and product flow that prevents growth, or worse, profits.  We found one plant where a part traveled 13 miles in the manufacturing process.  Our re-layout supported a movement of only 150 yards.  We can relay-out your floor for quick fixes or for the long term.  We prefer to understand the material movement, the machine costs, the labor savings as well as growth projections and blend them for for the most efficient result.  Our specialties are Lean Manufacturing layouts and re-layouts, Build To Order re-layouts, Site Expansion layouts and layouts utilizing the Toyota Production System philosophy as well as some good common sense.



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